GroSum provides the flexibility to help you set up your own customized Performance Evaluation system. This is how you do it?
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Login to GroSum >> Access Setup >> Review Category
Lets say that in performance reviews, you want to evaluate employees, majorly on their
a) work goals, as well as
b) job required competencies
In GroSum, you can set these as Review Categories.
Further, let's say you want to use Balanced Scorecard perspectives while evaluating employee's work goals.
In GroSum, you can define such Perspectives for each Review category accordingly.
In GroSum, we help you create a central repository of Performance measures for each Review Category.
This helps you to keep the data clean & current; ensuring duplicate measures don't get created.
For each Review Category, you can maintain a library of Performance Measures classified by
a) Perspective, if there is any
b) Used For evaluating - Individual/Department/Organization. In GroSum, you can set performance measures specific to evaluating individual employee or departmental or even organizational performance.
c) Type as (1) Measurable or (2) Subjective to indicate whether it (1) can be measured against actual performance based on a set target or (2) needs to be rated qualitatively based on a rating scale.
d) Indicator i.e. For Measurable parameters, set Indicator on whether a higher or lower actual indicates good performance or not. For example, on Revenue booking, more one achieves the better, as against Customer complaints where low achievement indicates better performance.
e) Limit i.e. For measurable parameters, set Limit that indicates the rating limit for over-achievement. For example, if the limit is set as 200%, then on a rating scale of maximum 5, someone who overachieves can't get more than 10.
Review Templates
Specific job functions are more or less evaluated on a well defined set of performance measures.
GroSum thus allows you to define Review Templates i.e. a preset of performance measures that aim to evaluate a particular aspect of employee performance; e.g. Business Development, People Management etc.
These Review Templates can be easily imported during Performance Reviews for employees to select from during goal setting, thus saving time and providing employees with guidance on what is relevant to their job roles.
Rating Scales
For every Review Category, GroSum helps you maintain Rating Scales that can be used to evaluate performance measures.
For each rating Scale; you can set
a) No of Rating Points i.e. Buckets
b) Description, details & the display value for each Rating Point
c) % Score corresponding to a Rating Point that will be used to calculate performance scores for employees.
You can also set a Max Rating corresponding to 100% achievement of target that will be used as the basis to auto calculate ratings for measurable goals