Glossary of terms used in Employee Performance Review process.

Performance Management best practices demand clear definition of terms used in Performance Review, Feedback, Compensation process. Here is a Glossary of terms in the world of Performance Management.


Employee Setup:


Employee hierarchy in the organization


Pay structure i.e. Heads under which salary is paid


Job profiles of employees as per bands & departments

Employee Status

Specifies the timeline for the review with a start & end date.Employee status in the organization. Example: Active | Terminated Sabbatical | Resign

Employee Setup Before Review Process

Performance Measures :

360° Feedback

Feedback process where employee receives feedback from External & Internal stakeholders

External Stakeholders

Feedback process where employee receives feedback from External & Internal stakeholders

Feedback Templates

Set of questions to seek feedback on specific aspect of employee


Work objectives as per job role.

Instant Feedback

Real-time Feedback to & from anyone. Ability to tag the feedback to Performance Measures


Key Result Area. Outlines the task that employee has to perform & what is expected.


Key Performance Indicator. A measurable value related to the Key result area for the employee.

Measurable KRAs

Performance Measures against which targets can be set and performance tracked against actual achievements.

Performance Review Category

Broad categories under which an employee performance is reviewed i.e. KRAs, Competencies, Values etc

Performance Measure

An employee performance parameter that can be evaluated either through subjective or measurable rating.

Review Templates

Set of performance measures grouped to evaluate specific job role or function.

Rating Scales

Used to rate performance measure of an employee.

Review Letter Templates

Post review letter templates to be issued to employees based on Performance, Salary Increment and promotion for employees


A Performance Measure that requires a qualitative assessment by the Reviewer to be rated with the help of a Rating scale.


Administration :


Helps to assign system access (Create, Modify, View) rights to users

Administrator Roles

Review Process Setup :


Employee set to be reviewed; can be chosen by departments/bands too.


Defines the number of times the employee evaluation will be conducted in the period. For example: Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Half-Yearly or Annually

Min. Service Period

Minimum number of months employees should serve in the organization to be eligible for the performance review process


Specifies the timeline for the review with a start & end date.

Remainder Alerts

Allows auto reminders to be triggered to employees based on pending Performance review tasks

Design your Review as per your needs.


Review Form Configuration


A formal review process activity when the employee gets to have a look at the final review inputs of the Manager and formally accepts & sign offs.

Employee Development Plan

A Review Form section that allows for recording of Employee Development and training needs.

Employee Review Form Sections

Parts of the review form for recording different aspects of employee’s performance.

Goal Settings

A formal review process activity where the Performance Measures/KRAs are set for each employee & signed off. Goal setting can be done by employee & reviewer collaboratively or by the Manager or HR alone.


A Review Form section that allows specific open ended aspects of employee’s performance to be recorded i.e. Strengths & Weaknesses, Achievements etc.

Performance Metrics

A Review Form section that allows for rating of Performance Measures & KRAs based on the KPIs.


A formal review process activity where a senior employee reviews the inputs by employee & manager for fairness and thus assures that the process was conducted appropriately & consistently.


A senior employee that conducts the Moderation process in a Performance Review, ensuring that the reviews were conducted properly.

Process Flow

The process workflow for the Performance Review i.e. Whether Goal setting will be done, whether employees can do self evaluation, whether there will be an acceptance process etc.


An employee who undergoes review


An employee who reviews the performance of a Reviewee

Set Reviewers

A Review process activity that confirms the Reviewers who will reviewing the employees of the review.

Transfer & Promotion

A Review process activity that allows Managers to recommend employees for transfer & promotion and record reasons in the Review Form.

Review Process Flow

Performance Measures Setup :


Performance Measures that are set to evaluate departmental performance & thus indirectly an employee’s contribution to the same


Performance Measures that are set to evaluate individual employee’s performance.


Performance Measures that are set to evaluate organizational performance & thus indirectly an employee’s contribution to the same.

Performance Measure i.e. Goals, Competencies and KRA import

Grade & Score

Grade Frequency

Allows for gradation of employees based on performance. For multi-frequency reviews like Quarterly, Half Yearly, etc grading can be chosen to be set for any of the legs of the review.

Scoring Basis

The basis for calculating performance scores of employees based on final ratings of performance measures.

Weight age

The weightage for different categories of performance measures used for employee evaluation. This helps to calculate one overall final review score for the employee.


Plan and Schedule:

Set Assessment date

Set start and end date for the review process that may include self evaluation, Manager’s performance appraisal and Moderation.

Set Performance Measures date

Set start and end date for setting of Performance Measures if either Reviewee or Reviewer are involved in the process.

Scheduling Automatic alerts and Reminders for Employees to complete Performance Review task

Review Process :

Absolute Grading

A Grading method based on absolute range of scores. i.e. 80-100% is Grade A, 60-80% is Grade B, etc.



A review process activity where employees are graded based on overall performance review scores.

Normalize Ratings

A review process activity where employee performance scores as submitted by Reviewers are readjusted based on various organizational factors to set the final review scores for employees.

Professional Development

A Review process activity where development recommendations along with Plan, time line and linked to performance measures are recorded.

Relative Grading

A Grading method based on percentile review scores of employee’s performance.

Self Review

Self evaluation process by an employee.

Grading Tool for Employees after Performance

Compensation :


Setting the compensation budget for the next period. Budgeting can be done at an organizational level or a department & band level.


A process of compensation planning where employees are given a fixed or performance linked pay raise.

Salary Correction

Any adjustments to employee’s correction, outside the scope of the increment process.

Salary Finalization

Any adjustments to employee’s correction, outside the scope of the increment process.

Salary Increment Tool

Review Close :

Analytics Employee Wise

Top & Bottom 5/10/15/n employees in a performance review.

Analytics Goal Wise

Average % score on each performance measure department wise.Top & Bottom 5 measures to identify, strength & weaknesses.

Analytics Grade Distribution

Percentage of Employees in each Grade Bucket. Department wise Grade distribution of employees .

Analytics Score Distribution

Average Review Score department wise in a performance review. The variation (standard deviation) in spread of review scores

Review Letters

Post Review formal Letters issued to employees with details of Performance Review Grades, Increments, transfer and promotion


Detailed Analysis on Employee Score Distribution, Grade Distribution, Employee Review Comments, Employee Ratings, Development Sheet, and Performance Score related to a Performance Review.

Analytics Reports

Feel free to use this in your Employee Performance Review and Feedback. If you have any suggestions, or additions to make, feel free to connect, will be happy to update the list.